2 weeks in the States does a body good. Well rested and ready to get going again. It was a lot harder leaving the second time. But I think I got enough buffalo wings in to last me until I return Christmas time.
I got back to my site and it feels different. The air smells different. The streets are quieter. The season is in the midst of changing.
I have learned a lot going back home about myself and how I want to finish my service here in the Dominican Republic. You forget that you aren't here just to work. I have been in my community so long that I am a resident, I am
part of this community. I am no longer the gringa- I am a neighbor, a teacher, a friend, a sister. Living a well-balanced work/personal life is essential or else time will pass by and you will feel like you never got to take in all that is around you.
I have a busy month ahead of me. I just returned from my first conference called Sirve con Fuerza-an educational 4 day volleyball camp. I brought six girls from my community and we spent time 'compartiring' (sharing) with ten other volleyball teams from other volunteer sites around the country. Imagine some of these girls have never left their little villages. It was just like summer camp in the states-late nights, dancing, singing songs, talking til the wee hours in the morning. It was an experience these girls will never forget and it makes me happy that they were able to let loose and be themselves and talk about things that might make them uncomfortable at their homes. It was four days of empowering these girls to go back to their homes inspired. Hopefully to be conscious that they are in control of the decisions they make in their lives and with the hopes that they can themselves teach others what they learned-many themes that are taboo to talk about such as sex, HIV/AIDS, breaking the social norms of being a female in a machismo world.
I left
empowered. Sunday I have my first meeting with the younger girls to start a girls group for ages 11-15.
I leave for the capital tomorrow for our annual All Volunteer Conference. Just as it sounds, an annual conference where volunteers are obligated to come to the capital for two days of meetings. Incentive: We have our annual Peace Corps Prom after. This years theme: Tigueres de la Carribean. Basically, dressing very trashy gangsterish-bright colors, matching everything. How important these traditions are to keep us all sane on this small island!
That is all the news I have for now. This month is going to fly by. I will be getting certified in a science dive course at the end of the month and will get to travel to a beautiful part of the country in the south east. The fishermen project is still chugging and next week I start the business course I have been promoting in my community.
Mangoes are falling from the trees all day-so many that you have to watch your head when walking. I was gifted a full bag of mangoes yesterday. Trying to find new recipes for what I can do with all these mangoes. The best season is on it's way- the season of avocados. The avocado trees are already starting to flower. Can't wait to get gifted bags of those!
O, forgot to mention. Chopped 14 inches off my hair at home. Went to a good cause and it is so much easier to shower now!
Until next time,
Think of something that inspires you and do it

Sirve con Fuerza Camp 2011

Home relaxing with friends-that is all I wanted!

Home for the Law School Graduation-Congrats Juli