Monday, November 29, 2010

New Appreciation for Canned Cranberry Sauce

Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, pies, even your classic canned cranberry sauce. I had it all Thanksgiving Day despite being far from American soil. Get almost 200 PC volunteers together, and we make it happen. I travelled to the capital for Thanksgiving to spend a few days with my fellow Americans to celebrate our gringo holiday. After reuniting with my fellow PC friends, I realized how much I really needed to get away for a couple days to clear my head. Thanksgiving Day was filled with everything American. My day began at 7 am with the traditional Turkey Trot, a 6K Run around the Botanical Gardens. Not going to toot my own horn, but I rocked it- 31 minutes. The rest of the day was spent at a Country Club filled with sports activities (soccer, basketball, volleyball, football, swimming relays) and other events, plus a priceless talent show. Only mistake was that the swimming relay was after our Thanksgiving lunch feast and I almost puked while taking off in the water. I almost won, so it was worth it. Needless to say, our Peace Corps family did a great job at easing the homesickness during the holiday time. Being at my site eating platanos and rice for the umpteenth day in a row melting in what feels like summer heat just wouldn’t have sufficed. There was a lot to be thankful for as we all gathered together for our gluttonous feast. I am thankful for all the families and volunteers that sent overseas classic treats for the holiday including our canned cranberry sauce, Trader Joes walnuts for incredible pecan pie and boxed stuffing even though I am gluten intolerant and couldn't enjoy it, it was nice to see it on our big round table. I am thankful for being a strong woman when at times it is easier to toss in the towel. And when things get tough here I am thankful for having support from my family and friends. I am thankful for only being twenty-three years old and being able to have the opportunity to do this. There is a lot to be thankful for. Toilets, running water, I can go on for pages.

I am not going to lie. These last few weeks have been really tough. If anything that I have learned is that you don’t really experience much of a spectrum of emotions here. At least not at the beginning. Your highs are really high and well your lows, well they are lowwww, like you are buried 6 feet under. Imagine being on a roller coaster simply with big inclines and you know, what goes up must come down right? Ok I am realizing that this sounds really bad and don’t worry people, I am ok. On a good note, I had a very successful meeting with the Fishermen’s Association on Saturday. Working with them has been a lot better than I thought it was going to be. There’s me-young independent American woman (hear me roar) and twenty plus grungy machismo fishermen (which never smell like fish surprisingly) most of which have only seen a woman do work in a kitchen. But, they actually listen to me and are motivated to work with me. Next week I will be giving them a charla on the basics of starting an association and we will definitely be covering the importance of an agenda. The meetings sound like a Sports Bar during the Super Bowl-people shouting over one another, say the wrong thing and someone might get up and throw a punch. Let’s just say we will be working on group strengthening for awhile. I spoke during the meeting which was a big deal because I have been the fly on the wall trying to observe the group dynamic simply nodding when things are said that I agree with and standing to pray with the group at the beginning and end of each meeting. I think some of them were starting to wonder if I was mute or just dumb. After I was done talking, a man cleared his throat, stood up and reminded everybody that by the grace of g-d I was there to help them and that the words that come out of my mouth are wise and that on behalf of everyone that they feel that we should move forward together to create a strong organization because together, si dios quiere (of course) we can accomplish anything. –Everyone mutters in agreement- Feeling of success. Check. I’ll take each little win as they come. So the roller coaster does have some loops.

This week I will hopefully be prioritizing the projects I plan to work on here in Las Galeras. Tomorrow I have a meeting with the Development Association where I am going to work with the group on SWOT analysis of the community (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) so we can set up some of my responsibilities and possibly a plan for the next couple years.

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful for being a strong woman when at times it is easier to toss in the towel.

    Couldn't have said it better myself. You remind me of my purpose in life time and time again, I'm thankful for that, and thankful for you. I am impressed and humbled and inspired beyond words.

    You are the best thing that has happened (or will ever happen) to a lot of people. And so...I am thankful for you and the incredible way you selflessly give to others without thinking twice. You are such an amazing woman.
