Hello from Santo Domingo. Well everyone, I am here. Training has begun and everything finally seems very real. As our Country Director told us, “we are not in Kansas anymore.” Since I left the states, things have been pretty crazy and fast paced. Staging in the states was short with a lot of information. My PC training group is wonderful. There are 59 of us and we have quite the group profile. There are many remarkable people here who are a lot like myself. At Staging it was great being surrounded by people who really understood how I felt. We were all nervous, excited, anxious-the whole 9 yards. We all survived the grueling application process and wanted to just jump in head first. On Thursday we all headed from D.C. to Santo Domingo together at 2 am. As if trying to adapt to a new country is hard enough, we came with no sleep. I arrived here in the DR in the afternoon where we were taken to a like 12 hour retreat. The staff began telling us about training, rules and regulation, safety, etc. etc. Needless to say, it was so overwhelming that by the time the evening was over I was pondering whether or not I made the right decision coming here. However, Friday after some good sleep we left for the training center and again we discussed logistics all afternoon. I felt much better after everything was slowed down and we had more in depth meetings. Did I mention the training center is in paradise? The property has gorgeous tropical gardens and our little classrooms are little open air spaces with tin roofs. (Picture to come soon.)
Since I have arrived everything has been logistics. There are so many rules, I forget it is a federal agency so they do have to cover their butts. The training is very intense and we really learn how to be Dominicans. People pay the big bucks to get the training that we will receive. Not only do we learn the language, but we learn about the culture (dance, cook, transportation, dominos, etc.), medical know how (how to clean lettuce with non-purified water, how to rehydrate yourself, how to ride as a passenger of a motorcycle, etc.), technical training (I am a CED -community economic development- Advisor, so we have classes in microfinance, accounting, ecotourism, etc.), fieldtrips… The list goes on. Our training usually goes from 8 am to 5 pm with a lunch break, so there is a lot that we will be learning.
Just a little information about my schedule for the next ten weeks. I will be here in Santo Domingo for three weeks, then I will be traveling to the North end of the island for our technical training as a Community Economic Development Advisor for five weeks. I will return to Santo Domingo for a few days where I will learn about my assignment. I will be given a Project Partner from that community and will go visit the community for five days where I will be doing my next two years of service. I will return to Santo Domingo, if all goes well, swear in as a volunteer and leave the capital to my place of service.
So how do I feel? A little nervous, excited and happy. The people here are amazing. My host family treats me like I am part of the family. I am living with my mom or “dona” her two daughters, granddaughter, nephew, two chihuahuas and three parakeets. Neighbors and extended family are always going in and out of the house. It is a great little barrio with windy roads that look like they go on for days. Our street is very crowded. The Country Director told us that the DR is the loudest country in the world and I believe it. The music doesn’t ever stop! We live in front of a few convenient stores, a salon and a men’s gym. The PC is definitely easing us into everything very slowly-I have toilets, showers, electricity (even though the lights and water go out frequently) and the family even has a computer with internet. I have been walking around to get to know the barrio. The only thing is during the day it is VERY humid. Yes, I am sweating buckets. Dominicans shower like four times a day and hygiene and proper dress is very important to them. I am very thankful that I can wear skirts-great airflow!
Our first week of real training began today. Figuring out public transportation is one of the goals for this week. I am very excited to learn all about the country and the people. I know this post is a little disorganized, there is just so much that has happened in the last few days.
What I have found interesting thus far:
-How open the PC staff is (we talk about everything-literally)
-Dominicans are very particular about dressing professional and looking “put together”
- In the past five years, 59 PC volunteers have gotten married to other Dominicans. (Not for me)
-You will be sent home to the States if you don’t wear your motorcycle helmet
-Meeting people for coffee in their homes-networking- is considered working once you are in your community site for service
-Our Group Profile is very interesting amongst the 59 of us we have: travelled to over 60 countries, speak 14 languages, have worked for over 176 organizations and come from more than 25 or so U.S. states. Truly amazing.
-If you are in a room with another person and the door is closed, you are having sex (this is what Dominicans think at least)
- 7 people can fit in a small taxi and 7 people can also apparently fit on a motorcycle (have yet to see this)
-The DR is the only country in the PC where you can ride on the back of a motorcycle
-My volunteer neighbor has a bisabuelita (great grandmother) who is 105 years old and looks great
-We can buy a horse. Some parts of the country it is your only means of transportation
What I need to get used to:
-sweating buckets
-my legs burning from 25% deet bug spray day in and day out
-cold showers. I think I have figured this one out. I am going to do a morning run before my shower so that the cold won’t bother me. Even with this humidity I am still a baby and don’t like to bathe in cold water
-hissing in the streets
- Carrying a heavier object or water bottle when I run to avoid an attacking stray dog (“just in case” said my friends host dad)
-cleaning my undergarments when I bathe
- the Dominican dialect. Como tu ta? That means, como estas. They chop a lot of their words.
So today is the day. I leave in about two hours for the airport. Hoping I remembered to pack everything I need.
Last few things I did before I leave for two years:
-Went on a long beautiful morning walk with my dog -Took the longest shower known to mankind (If you ever volunteered in a third world country you appreciate water pressure just as much as your best friend) -Ate numerous cold foods (who knows if I will have refrigeration there)
So this is it. Going to "live the dream" as many have been saying. There is one thing I do have to say. So many people-family, friends, strangers have told me lately"Wow you are so lucky, I wish I could -fill in the blank- (go travel, help people, experience a new culture, live somewhere different).
The truth is, you can. Ask yourself this:
What is really stopping you?
This journey might not be for everyone, but this is the path I chose, something I have dreamed of doing. Keep in mind today as you go on with your daily routine that no one is stopping you from living your dreams other than yourself. Live through yourself and for yourself because if you don't, next thing you know you will be 60 years old with 10 cats living in the same place you hated for too many years never leaving your little cubicle at work where they still can't pronounce your last name right after 20 years. So get out there, choose your path and whatever you do, let it be sweet.
"You gotta stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone outta be" -Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat. Pray. Love.
Looks like the next time I will update you will be from the Dominican Republic.
I am almost finished packing. Ran all my errands. Good news, everything fit AND I am pretty sure I am just at 50 lbs on my large bag. It doesn't seem real that I leave tomorrow. I don't think it will until I begin my training.
So what did I end up packing for 2 years? Here's just a few of the different items that you might not think of that went into my bag.
Essential items: umbrella, pocket knife, flashlight, quick dry towel, medical record of all my immunizations, this one took up a lot of space: sleeping bag, sleeping mat and a full set of sheets (yes, it is small enough for my suitcase), three boxes of hard candy (so they don't melt) for the host families I will be staying with (yes, three families), rechargeable batteries, enough undies and socks to last 2 weeks without washing, shower sandals...the list goes on.
Random items: Yoga video (for those stressful days), compass (in case I get lost, ha), running shoes (I want to stay active), plastic bags to protect my things from getting wet (did I mention I arrive in perfect time for hurricane season?), Crystal Light (in case I get sick of water), chocolate flavored breakfast bars (I know I will crave something a little sweet)
A Must Have: pictures of my family and friends, my panda bear (for all those lonely nights), journal
For those of you who want to communicate with me while I am gone, here is the information you will need to e-mail, write letters, send packages, skype, etc.
It is recommended that packages be sent in a padded envelope if possible, as boxes tend to be taxed and opened more frequently (suggestion from PC). Just an FYI, the Dominican mailing system isn't as efficient as the one in the U.S. meaning mail can take a while to receive. But, I do love letters and packages!
And of course I will be updating you on my blog, so stay tuned.
"Philosophy:if you want to be somebody, look within, you are a vibrant being full of promise. you are transformed through acts of purity and grace for the sake of others. stay rooted in your connection to all things. float above opposition with positive energy. feel your soul bloom with goodness and compassion. what you give eventually comes back to you. you can never be too good. let your beauty unfold. you are somebody." "Philosophy: you can be somebody without having wealth, fame and power. these gifts define a standard of life not our standard of virtue. you will be remembered for your virtues. the headlines you make in this life will be based on the differences you made in the lives of others. you are defined by the smiles and sweetness you leave behind. so be kind and know, in doing so, you are indeed not an anybody but a real somebody to love."
Update on life: stressful week dealing with the Peace Corps Medical Office. Long story short, everything is okay. Now I am back home with the family trying to get everything put together. I have said my goodbyes to most of my friends and family. Tomorrow afternoon will be the last time I get to see Juli. He has been so supportive these last few weeks, more like months. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
What's on my mind: I will definitely not be able to fit everything in my suitcase. This should be interesting.
Here's to my last weekend in the U.S. of A. Let it be a sweet one.
It finally happened. Today as I was exiting the bathroom, my fita do Senhor do Bonfim (my little ribbon) got tugged on the bathroom handle and fell off my wrist. I know the majority of you are wondering 1. what the heck is this little ribbon I am talking about 2. why am I dedicating an entire blog to this ribbon.
The Fita do Bonfim was a gift given to me by a local in a favela while I was traveling in Sao Paolo, Brazil. The 47 centimeter long (yes there is significance in the length), about quarter inch wide yellow ribbon was wrapped around my left wrist. I was told to make three wishes while the ribbon was knotted three times. No wish will be granted unless the ribbon is permitted to wear until it disintegrates naturally, and falls from the wrist. If you remove or cut the ribbon yourself the wishes will not—never?—come true and invites bad luck and misfortune upon you. If you plan to stay the course and leave the ribbon on, it's a serious commitment. The typical fita is rumored to fall off after a handful of months-even years.
My fita has become part of me. Every time I looked down at my wrist I was reminded of my travels, my future and my dreams. It reminded me of what I value which lied in my three wishes. It was part of me for nearly one and a half years and in this time it turned into a stringy little yellow thread that meant more to me than any sparkling diamonds or shiny silver and gold.
Today I was actually talking about how old and ratty it looked and how I was so glad it was still tied to me-hanging on a hair, but still there.
And now it is gone. I should be excited because that means my wishes should come true, but I feel like part of me is missing.
I feel naked.
There is a long tradition of the fita in Brazil. Over a 200 year old tradition. Faith in the fita derives from African religious practices which acknowledge that supernatural powers can exist within objects. They come in different colors that represent different things. Mine was yellow, which represents Oxum, the divinity of rivers, love, feminine beauty, fertility, and art.
So I have taken the loss of my fita as a sign. The end of one chapter in my life and the start of something new. Is it fate that it fell off a week before I leave the country for two years?
Why does the suitcase look so much smaller? Packing for 2 years of my life
Less than two weeks to go. Started making piles of "necessities," "maybe I can survive without this for 2 years" and "I'll have a lovely friend bring this to me."
I have to say, I am doing pretty good at this traveling light business.
A humanitarian with big dreams, striving to save the world, one small step at a time. Next stop, an unpredictable adventure to the Dominican Republic for two years of service with the Peace Corps. Follow me to find out what lies in store. Disclaimer: the contents of this blog do not reflect the views of the Peace Corps or the United States Government.
“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”-Howard Thurman