A great going away present

In case you can't read the description:
"Philosophy: if you want to be somebody, look within, you are a vibrant being full of promise. you are transformed through acts of purity and grace for the sake of others. stay rooted in your connection to all things. float above opposition with positive energy. feel your soul bloom with goodness and compassion. what you give eventually comes back to you. you can never be too good. let your beauty unfold. you are somebody."

"Philosophy: you can be somebody without having wealth, fame and power. these gifts define a standard of life not our standard of virtue. you will be remembered for your virtues. the headlines you make in this life will be based on the differences you made in the lives of others. you are defined by the smiles and sweetness you leave behind. so be kind and know, in doing so, you are indeed not an anybody but a real somebody to love."
Update on life: stressful week dealing with the Peace Corps Medical Office. Long story short, everything is okay. Now I am back home with the family trying to get everything put together. I have said my goodbyes to most of my friends and family. Tomorrow afternoon will be the last time I get to see Juli. He has been so supportive these last few weeks, more like months. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
What's on my mind: I will definitely not be able to fit everything in my suitcase. This should be interesting.
Here's to my last weekend in the U.S. of A. Let it be a sweet one.
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