Tuesday, August 17, 2010


So today is the day. I leave in about two hours for the airport. Hoping I remembered to pack everything I need.

Last few things I did before I leave for two years:

-Went on a long beautiful morning walk with my dog
-Took the longest shower known to mankind (If you ever volunteered in a third world country you appreciate water pressure just as much as your best friend)
-Ate numerous cold foods (who knows if I will have refrigeration there)

So this is it. Going to "live the dream" as many have been saying. There is one thing I do have to say. So many people-family, friends, strangers have told me lately"Wow you are so lucky, I wish I could -fill in the blank- (go travel, help people, experience a new culture, live somewhere different).

The truth is, you can. Ask yourself this:

What is really stopping you?

This journey might not be for everyone, but this is the path I chose, something I have dreamed of doing. Keep in mind today as you go on with your daily routine that no one is stopping you from living your dreams other than yourself. Live through yourself and for yourself because if you don't, next thing you know you will be 60 years old with 10 cats living in the same place you hated for too many years never leaving your little cubicle at work where they still can't pronounce your last name right after 20 years. So get out there, choose your path and whatever you do, let it be sweet.

"You gotta stop wearing your wishbone where your backbone outta be"
-Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat. Pray. Love.

Looks like the next time I will update you will be from the Dominican Republic.

Until then,

Think of something that inspires you, and do it


  1. Beautiful, Gabby! Wishing you only the best :)

  2. Well said Gabby. I have people telling me that all the time, and I give them THAT same answer. "You can, so go do it!" Good luck in DR and continue to "live" your life, not watch it pass you by as most people do in this world.
